Stock Photography - Buying an Image
Price of an image depends on usage type and context which includes (but not limited to)
- Media of Usage - Electronic (Internet/Intranet) or Print (editorial)
- Image size requirements for electronic or print use
- Usage context
- Who will use this image ? Personal/Corporate (nature of corporate - national/multinational)
- Run length of the publication if the usage context is editorial
- Image exclusivity needed
- Nature of electronic use (usage context within website for example - which page, size etc).
Please get back to me about usage type and context. I will send the price information soon.
Alternatively I can make the image of your interest available at Alamy (if it not already there) in case you want to
directly buy from them. Typically it will take 2 business days for the image to show up at Alamy after you send me the request.
You can find my images at Alamy here using below links.
All Images uploaded so far
Stock photography by Ganesh H Shankar at Alamy - Image Search
I am still uploading my images to Alamy so not all images are available as of now. Please write to
me if you don't see the image of your interest in case you want to directly buy it from Alamy.
If you have further questions please don't hesitate me to contact me
here or leave me a mail at
Thanking you,
- Ganesh H. Shankar.