Subject Distance/Near Focus/Hyperfocal Distance Chart ----------------------------------------------------- Of late I have been experimenting with wide angle (un-manned camera-trap) images and wanted a "quick-look" chart for getting dof/hyperfocal distance/optimal minimum focus distance etc. Made this chart for my personal use (intended for using with my 12-24 mm and 11-16mm lenses on my 1.5x crop factor bodies as well as 24mm/20mm/16mm on my 35mm sensor body. Feel free to take a print out for your personal use in case you are using 1.5x crop bodies or full frame bodies. How to use ? ------------ Subject Distance : Approximate minimum distance to focus to get far focus as infinity. That means when you focus at this distance you have focus up to infinity. Hyper Focal Distance : When you focus at Hyperfocal distance from half of it to infinity every thing is in focus. Near limit of Dof : At a given focal length, f-stop and subject distance near dof. I only chose four different f-stops (f4/f5.6/f8/f11) to keep the table small and handy and also those are optimal f-stops at which my lenses exhibit best optical characteristics. I am not interested in stopping down below f11 or open it upto f2.8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For use with 1.5x crop factor bodies Focal length range : 11-24mm Circle of Confusion : 0.02mm Focal Length f-stop Subject Distance(ft) Near limit Far limit Hyperfocal of DoF limit of DoF Distance 11mm 4 5 2.5ft Infinity 5 5.6 4 1.88 Infinity 3.54 8 3 1.37 Infinity 2.52 11 2 0.94 Infinity 1.79 12mm 4 6 2.99ft Infinity 5.94 5.6 5 2.29 Infinity 4.22 8 3 1.5 Infinity 2.99 11 3 1.24 Infinity 2.13 8 2 1.2 5.95 2.99 11 2 1.03 32.8 2.13 16 1.5 0.75 140.6 1.52 22 1 0.52 12.5 1.08 13mm 4 7 3.49 Infinity 6.97 5.6 5 2.49 Infinity 4.94 8 4 1.87 Infinity 3.51 11 3 1.36 Infinity 2.49 11 2 1.11 9.94 2.49 11 2.5 1.25 Infinity 2.49 14mm 4 9 4.26 Infinity 8.08 5.6 7 3.15 Infinity 5.73 8 5 2.24 Infinity 4.06 11 3 1.47 Infinity 2.89 11 2 1.19 6.4 2.89 11 2.5 1.34 18.3 2.89 11 2.75 1.41 56.7 2.89 15mm 4 10 4.81 Infinity 9.28 5.6 7 3.39 Infinity 6.57 8 5 2.41 Infinity 4.66 11 4 1.81 Infinity 3.31 11 2.5 1.43 10 3.31 11 2.75 1.5 16 3.31 11 3 1.58 31.4 3.31 16mm 4 11 5.38 Infinity 10.6 5.6 8 3.86 Infinity 7.48 8 6 2.81 Infinity 5.3 11 4 1.94 Infinity 3.76 17mm 4 12 5.98 Infinity 11.9 5.6 9 4.35 Infinity 8.44 8 6 3 Infinity 5.98 11 5 2.29 Infinity 4.25 18mm 4 14 6.83 Infinity 13.3 5.6 10 4.86 Infinity 9.45 8 7 3.42 Infinity 6.7 11 5 2.44 Infinity 4.76 19mm 4 15 7.47 Infinity 14.9 5.6 11 5.38 Infinity 10.5 8 8 3.86 Infinity 7.46 11 6 2.81 Infinity 5.3 20mm 4 17 8.36 Infinity 16.5 5.6 12 5.91 Infinity 11.7 8 9 4.31 Infinity 8.27 11 6 2.97 Infinity 5.87 21mm 4 19 9.28 Infinity 18.2 5.6 13 6.46 Infinity 12.9 8 10 4.77 Infinity 9.11 11 7 3.36 Infinity 6.46 22mm 4 20 9.98 Infinity 19.9 5.6 15 7.27 Infinity 14.1 8 10 5 Infinity 10.0 11 8 3.76 Infinity 7.09 23mm 4 22 10.9 Infinity 21.8 5.6 16 7.85 Infinity 15.4 8 11 5.48 Infinity 10.9 11 8 3.93 Infinity 7.75 24mm 4 24 11.9 Infinity 23.7 5.6 17 8.44 Infinity 16.8 8 12 5.97 Infinity 11.9 11 9 4.35 Infinity 8.43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For 35mm sensor (full frame) CoC : 0.02501mm 24mm 4 19 9.49 Infinity 19 5.6 14 6.86 Infinity 13.4 8 10 4.88 Infinity 9.52 11 7 3.44 Infinity 6.76 16 5 2.45 Infinity 4.8 22 4 1.84 Infinity 3.42 32 3 1.34 Infinity 2.44 11 3 2.09 5.33 6.76 11 4 2.52 9.69 6.76 11 5 2.88 19 6.76 11 6 3.18 52.9 6.76 (CoC : 0.03mm) 20mm 8 2 1.48 3.09 5.53 11 2 1.33 4.0 3.93 8 3 1.95 6.47 5.53 11 3 1.71 12.40 3.93 16mm Fish Eye Lens 8 2 1.28 4.51 3.55 11 2 1.12 9.39 2.53 8 3 1.63 19.0 3.55 11 3 1.37 Infinity 2.53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------